Modern digital context is vertical and fast, nurtured by ugc creative concepts, driven by creative communities like TikTok houses, and ruled by native language of communication
Trendcamp is
A creative collaboration
for short content elaboration
Trend driven, integrated, interactive solutions
We Offer
blending native video, viral sound, and AR
We are ex-Bytedancers
who helped build the initial TikTok-experience for some big brands in Eastern Europe in 2019-2022
  • Evgeniya
    Brand Partnership Facilitator
    Evgeniya has extensive expertise in FMCG & Ecom having developed traditional and retail brands on various tech platforms so far
  • Sergey
    Sergey boasts creative planning with BBDO and Publicis while having evangelised AR and sound solutions on behalf of TikTok
  • Roman
    Creative Production Curator
    Roman is an expert in content production for mobile economy with a couple of trending TikTok accounts in his background
Our Track Record
You are wellcamped
Our camp approach merges 3 components
  • Expert vision
    We have extensive knowledge and practice of welcoming brands on the first and foremost short vertical video app ever
  • Native talents
    Our secret sauce are emerging talents nurtured by TikTok who have exclusive skills and charisma to make content look and feel native
  • Industry professionals
    Our work has linked us to creative entities/ individuals who are able to enrich a project's vibe (e.g. record labels, production houses, AR vendors)
Select your camp or customize one
Video Camp
Get a series of native videos for your account or a dedicated campaign
Sound Camp
Create a viral jingle or a full throttle music release for your brand
AR Camp
Raise engagement on your videos even further via thematic lenses
Ultimate Camp’aign
In case a big brand news is on the table all Camps can be layered to build up an ultimate communication impact on the audience and ultimately engage it in a collab with a brand
Decide on your strategy within our Expert Camp
Our mission is to help talents and brands enrich each other in the new era of short video communication and make the good vibes of a collab fill a campaign
Please address your request for cases and inquiries here